Tag Archives: wi

Mr. Wizard Was A Wonderful, Cranky Old Guy

I would start my cartoon early mornings with Mr. Wizard; his sometimes surreal immersion in the sciences really woke my young toehead ass up at 5:30 in the morning. He really was something special and I kinda wanted to be on his show.

I’m glad my letters to him went unanswered because being on his show meant an unyielding introduction to the nightmarish hellscape he unveiled to hilariously unprepared children: beheadings, loneliness, merciless indoctrination that ‘the world is not fair, the world is SCIENCE and ONLY SCIENCE!”, playing with fire, to love something only for it to be annihilated moments later, *shiver*.

Mr. Fucking Wizard introduced kids to a worlds beyond reality, a transcended state where the horrors of modern academic knowledge meld with the macabre dark arts of the unknown.  

I tip my pointy wizard hat at you. 

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