Tag Archives: cat

Rust Kittehs!

This cute little guy was born in Berlin, a type of cat family called rusty spot cat native to India and Sri Lanka. Click the pic for more lil Indian kitteh action!


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Collective Meow

A few years ago a gentleman named Faubio and I went to a Collective Soul show and got a chance to ‘meet and greet’, which was every body standing in a horsehoe along wall of the green room while the band looped around shaking hands, signing autographs and politely chatting nonsense to fans. I made a mention about a middle finger and listening to the lead singer calling into Howard Stern, he smiled and shook my hand again and that was that. I’m not sure Faubio is real to this very day, but I do genuinely remember that hand shake. This video reminds me of that day and is very kewt >^-^<

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