Tag Archives: jets

The A-12: Cold War Jockey

The A-12: Cold War Jockey

I *love* the A-12 and the SR-71. I had the pleasure to see a SR-17 a few years ago at the National Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH (free entry, too!). Both jets are absolutely gorgeous, out-of-this-world styling, crazy missions at speeds fast enough to melt common metals. This was the dagger edge of the Cold War, and only fifteen years after a war that still fielded bi-planes.

I was excited to see a detailed page (via HackerNews) about the logistics of moving the A-12 Oxcarts from the Lockheed plant in Burbank, CA to THE Area 51 in Nevada. It took a lot of engineering work to accomplish.

The article includes some amazing pictures of the assembly and movement.

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